Silver is a precious metal and will hold value.Does contain 8-12% nickel so even surgical grade stainless steel may not be suitable for those with highly sensitive nickel allergies.If damaged it is harder to repair because it can't be silver soldered and due to the strength of the metal, is very difficult to manipulate by hand.Has a brighter shine/ reflection when highly polished compared to silver.Stainless steel has a much lower price point than silver and gold but can be made to resemble the colour of both, very closely but much more affordable.
Will stainless steel tarnish skin#
Well suited for people who experience skin irritation from metals. You can wear it in the shower, to the gym, daily and it will retain it's look which is why it is so commonly used in high end watches and body piercings. Long lasting, waterproof and suitable for daily use.One of the biggest selling points is that stainless steel does not oxidise due to the chromium. It is non tarnish and doesn't oxidise.Silver is a precious metal so jewellery made from it will hold long term value from the silver, it is also soft and malleable with a lower melting point than stainless steel making it more popular for handmade jewellers to work with. 925 Sterling Silver Sterling silver is made by combining 92.5% silver (hence the name) with 7.5% alloy to strengthen it, most commonly copper but sometimes zinc. It's popular for jewellery because it's incredibly durable and corrosion resistant, it also has a mirror like shine when highly polished. 316L Stainless Steel There are many different types and grades of stainless steel used in a wide range of products from your kitchen sink to jewellery, the type we will focus on is 316L stainless steel which is commonly used for jewellery, piercings, high end watches and fashion accessories. So what is the difference between stainless steel and sterling silver jewellery, is one better than the other? For this comparison we will be focusing on 316L Stainless Steel and 925 Sterling Silver. When it comes to choosing jewellery, stainless steel and sterling silver are the most popular and best choices for good reasons which we will cover, but if handed 2 freshly polished pieces in the same design and style, most people would not be able to tell them apart as they will look almost identical. Silver tone jewellery is by far the most popular and classic choice for jewellery due to it's versatility and how well it works into many different styles. Jewellery is becoming increasingly popular and for good reason, accessorising with the right pieces can really elevate your personal style and create a signature look. South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (GBP £)